Welcome to the DR.PAUL ANSWERS section of my site. I feel that the more you know about your child’s health and wellness in terms of illness, normal growth and development and prevention, the more comfortable you can be with your kids! This is what I refer to as “Knowledge is Comfort”
One of the most satisfying aspects of being a pediatrician is answering parents’ questions and concerns. Over the last 25 years, I have received and answered hundreds of questions from parents. This section of my web site represents a collection of answers that I have provided. Many topics are common issues that require long answers while others need shorter and more specific answers. In the ASK DR.PAUL LIBRARY section you will find long answers to questions that have been received. In the SNAPSHOTS section, you will find shorter answers to questions that I have collected over time.
In other sections of my web site you will be able to find many of the common issues/topics that I have encountered over the last quarter century. If you have landed on this page though a search engine, and do not find the information you are looking for, please browse through the section links at the top of this page. In addition, you can search my entire site through the search tool above.
I invite you to send me your child health and wellness related questions. Unfortunately, I cannot give personal replies but will answer as many questions as possible. As I answer new questions, I will post them in this section or create pages under the appropriate sections of my site. To ask DR. PAUL a question, complete this simple form
ASK DR.PAUL LIBRARY Visit this page for detailed answers about child health and wellness.
SNAPSHOTS LINK Shorter answers can be found here to commonly asked questions.